النشرة البريدية من جريدة الطبيب
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New regenerative surgery with combined stem cells
الاثنين 04 ذو الحجة 1440 هـ - الاثنين 5 أغسطس 2019 م      07:42:16 PM

An innovative regenerative procedure set by a team of researchers, led by professor Stefano Zanasi from The Weymouth St. Hospital in London - UK, has provided evidence that wide areas of severe cartilage defects due to osteoarthritis of the inferior limb, Kellgren stage I to III, in particular knee and ankle, can be successfully restored through transplant of human bone marrow, harvested from the anterior  iliac crest, combined with PRP and ADSCs.
The latter  is microfractured autologous human fat containing an intact stromal vascular niche including a  high content of elements as pericyte identity (Lipogems EU, http://lipogems.eu) rich of exosomes. Both are perfused through the Awayr system (Bioteck,I)  within nanofabricated scaffolds with tailored-oriented architecture and fiber diameter (Chondrotissue by Biotissue, Freiburg, D http.//www.biotissue.de).
These scaffolds used for cell support are a 100% syntetic and resorbable  membrane  that are  cut in an appropriate size following the area of the lesion to reconstruct both side of the kissed chondral defect or a single/multiple  wider loss/es of cartilage tissue.
The perfused patches are fixed at the corners by resorbable 1.2 mm pins (Activenails, F)  Patients are then directed to a specific rehabilitation program.
Such approach, Prof. Zanasi- said; yields a significantly more enhanced cartilage regeneration, as compared with the rescuing effects elicited by either bone marrow or the Lipogems product alone.
All these clinical outcomes are well documented by 1.5 NMR, and in randomized histological samples showing a higher percentage of hyaline cartilage and rare fibrous tissue compared to the outcome of the single, not combined procedures.
On these bases, said Hassan Zmerly the combined use of autologous non-expanded tissue products made of whole bone marrow and human WAT derivatives, such as the microfractured Lipogems product, can be considered as an autologous/homologous strategy for improving the natural
capacity for self-healing in damaged osteo-articular tissues.
Prof. Stefano Zanasi 
Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon  (London UK) Regenerative medicine and surgery; advanced  concurrent bilateral robotized MIS hip and knee implant arthroplasties customized revision hip and knee arthroplasties"
Hassan Zmerly MD PhD, Professor of  Orthopaedic, PhD in Oncology
UCM Malta Ludes Lugano Campus Switzeland and GVM Care & Research Italy.
Cartilage Repair, Artroscopy, Knee, Hip and Shoulder Replacement
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جميع الحقوق محفوظة لجريدة الطبيب الألكترونية 2012
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